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  • 1440 Foundation, Saratoga - CA, Our Vision

Creating Hope For Living Well. 

1440 Foundation aligns with leaders whose vision illuminates the future we're bringing to light.


We're on a mission for:

  • Cancer collaboration: Empowering people with hope, new treatments, and innovative options to live beyond pancreatic cancer
  • Inner wellbeing: Advancing the field of inner fitness to unlock the potential within each person to heal and thrive
  • Community building: Supporting nonprofit leaders and organizations who nurture compassion and trust in our communities
Cancer Collaboration

Cancer Collaboration

Once described as "unlovely but essential," the pancreas not only pumps insulin and glucagon into our bloodstream but it also makes enzymes to help us digest our food. Pancreatic cancer is the world's toughest, which is why collaboration between cancer researchers, physicians, and patients is so vital. To create hope for people both fighting the disease as well as those caring for and supporting them, 1440 Foundation funds innovative pancreatic cancer research and collaboration efforts. We support the development of personalized, precision medicine. We seek new models of collaboration that improve the patient experience and expand access to new drug and therapy trials. We're even helping to turn the clinical trial process inside out.
Inner Well-Being

Inner Well-Being

Being well is more than being not sick. Good health propels us forward, energizing our every effort, which is just as true for our minds as well as our bodies. In the battle against anxiety, trauma and depression, progress has been limited. Prescriptions are not always effective with the most challenging cases. At 1440 Foundation, we support organizations that advocate for mental self care, licensed psychedelics, and other scientific disciplines to help people regain and maintain inner wellbeing. With the right tools, support, and resources, everyone has a greater ability to live a life of wellbeing. Healing. Thriving. Living to our fullest potential.
Community Building

Community building

In life, our connections can determine where we live, how we work, what we eat — or even whether we get to. The stronger and more varied these connections, the greater our chances to flourish. Trust enables networks to exist. Compassion powers their growth. 1440 Foundation, seeking to build compassionate communities that thrive on trust, supports nonprofit leaders who plant seeds of hope in places underestimated by most of society, but are ripe with potential. We foster collaborations that breed new opportunities from rural farms to city kitchens. By empowering people with new opportunities, everyone has a chance to reach their potential.
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