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  • Creating Hope forLiving Well
    1440 Foundation, Saratoga - CA

"The capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It provides human beings with a sense of destination and the energy to get started."

1440 Foundation supports people and programs creating hope for living well with the 1,440 minutes we have each day. Hope for building resilient communities. Hope for new mental health therapies. Hope for creating communities that care.

How WeWork

Grantmaking at 1440 Foundation
How We Work At 1440 Foundation Saratoga, CA
How We Work At 1440 Foundation Saratoga, CA
How We Work At 1440 Foundation Saratoga, CA
How We Work At 1440 Foundation Saratoga, CA
Established in 2011, 1440 Foundation is a private foundation based in Scotts Valley, California. The foundation makes grants to nonprofit, 501c3 organizations in the fields of healthcare resilience and collaboration, inner well-being, and community building. To date, the Foundation has supported more than 250 nonprofit organizations.
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